Sunday, 2 September 2012

Raven Guard BFG Strike Cruisers

As well as my 40K and Epic:40K Raven Guard armies, I am slowly building up a Raven Guard fleet for Battlefleet Gothic.

As I was digging around in the internet for ideas and fleet lists, it turned out that it was cheaper to buy Forgeworld Grey Knight strike cruisers than the GW Specialist Games ones. So with this in mind I bought 6 FW strike cruisers and a GW battle barge. Made even cheaper by ordering from Warhammer World in Nottingham to remove postage costs. This will be the core to my fleet and I will be slowly adding escorts, thunderhawks and maybe more cruisers over the next year or so. 

The FW strike cruisers required alittle converting to make them look more like the standard space marine strike cruisers, but it wasn't too difficult. I replaced the fins with small pieces of plasticard rounded off at the edges, and applied FW Raven Guard brass etching to add abit of detail. I also magnetised the stands. 

One down, five to go...